Are you wanting to become involved at RES, maybe visit your student's classroom, or just get to know what is happening around the school? We love having families in our building and involved in our classrooms.
Here are some suggestions of how you can become involved:
- Come to are Family Engagement Night, here is the link to the that calendar: 2023-24 RES Family Engagement Calendar
- Come have lunch with your student. Call our school office at 865-982-1415 and speak with Ms. Robin to set up the time for you to come.
- Set up a parent conference with your student's teacher. Reach out to your student's teacher on SeeSaw, send in a note in their take home folder, or call the school. Teachers love to meet their student's families.
- Sign up to go with your student on a field trip
- Keep an eye out of SeeSaw for opportunities to volunteer at RES.