How do I sign my student up for Friends?

Friends After School Care

Rockford Friends Director Ashley Lemaster - 865-980-1231

RES Friends Staff 2021-22

The purpose of the Extended School Program is to provide an environment in which children can be safe and educationally stimulated during the hours when there is no adult supervision in their home. By using available school facilities and the support system of trained school personnel who can assist in planning, we provide a program that benefits emotionally, socially, physically, and educationally.

This is a program designed with the families of working parents in mind. It is not baby-sitting, however. Any parents, working or non-working, may enroll their children in the Extended School Program.

Hours of Operation (Monday - Friday) & Program Costs & Rates

Early Bird - $40.00/week
2:45 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Afternoon Session - $50.00/week
2:45 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.

Full Day - $15.00 + weekly fee
6:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.

Family Discount*(3 or more children)
$100.00 + $10.00 Additional/week/child
Ex. 3 children - $110/week
4 children - $120/week
5 children - $130/week

Fall, Christmas, Spring Breaks
6:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.

Payments are due each week. If you do not pay your weekly fee by Friday of the week attended, you will be charged a $5.00 late fee each week you are past due. You are responsible for your weekly fee regardless if your child attends each week.
*One family discount per household. All children who receive family discount must be living in the same household.